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Trudeau to Pay For Working Class & Poor People to Be Euthanized

2 years ago

The Canadian government has devised a devilish new solution to solve inflation, homelessness, skyrocketing crime, and food shortages - euthanasia for the poor.

The Trudeau regime say they are now offering to pay to euthanise people who are "too poor to continue living with dignity."

What this means is anyone who feels like their quality of life is bad as a result of radical liberal policies can now ask the state to foot the bill for their suicide.

In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which removed virtually every restriction for Canadians to commit suicide. Now, thanks to the new law, anyone is eligible for government assisted suicide if they wish.

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Canadian Government. Trudeau, Euthanize, Poor People, Working Class


  • 0/2000
  • It's heart breaking that someone would feel that their life is so worthless that they would choose to end their life. However what is truly shameful is that the government would step in and say I'll do it. This is clear evidence that western government's are controlled by psychopaths.

  • I volunteer Justin Trudeau for euthanasia

  • What policy is this. This can’t be true.

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