Silver Squeeze 2.0 | May 1st, 2021 | BUY SILVER NOW!

3 years ago

In this video I talk about the upcoming event on May 1st, 2021 which is being dubbed the silver squeeze 2.0 or "mayday" and it is the time to buy physical silver! Physical silver prices have been manipulated for years and this is our chance to crash the comex and put a strain on the system to drive the price of physical silver up. I have been silver stacking or buying physical silver for years and I will be buying with everyone else to do my part to free silver from the manipulation. Silver prices are low compared to that of gold even though silver comes out of the ground 8:1 compared to gold. Silver has many uses in industry and we could not lives our lives as we do today without it. The silver squeeze reddit group wallstreetsilver is a great place to share a silver squeeze update or participate in the silver squeeze live. This upcoming silver squeeze 2021 will be on the 10 year anniversary of when silver got smacked down 10 years ago and it is a chance to rewrite history. Here is a link to where you can buy silver from a reputable online bullion dealer:

Check out SD Bullion for AWESOME Deals on Gold and Silver!

Silver Dragon's Website:

Below are some AWESOME products that I use:

✅ Coins
Inexpensive Scale for Weighing Silver and Gold
Black Ring Capsules for most Silver Bullion Coins (38mm)
Black Ring Capsules for American Silver Eagles (40mm)
Gloves for Handling Coins

✅Metal Detecting
Minelab Equinox 800 Metal Detector
Minelab Pinpointer
Metal Detecting Finds Bag
Metal Detecting Shovel and Scoop

✅ Youtube
Cell Phone Tripod
Blue Snowball Microphone
Mic Stand and Filter
Cheap Lighting Setup


Check Out Silver Dragons on Instagram:

If you want to mail me anything here is my address:

S. Dragons
P.O. Box 304
Gresham, OR 97030

Thanks for watching!!

Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliate links where ill earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

Topics I cover in this video: silver squeeze, silver squeeze 2.0 silver squeeze 2, silver squeeze reddit, silver squeeze explained, silver squeeze live, silver squeeze 2021, silver squeeze coming, silver squeeze update, silver squeeze today, silver squeeze may 1st, buy silver, buy silver may 2021, buy silver may 1st 2021, buy silver now, silver stacking, invest in silver, silver investing, silver investing 2021, silver stacking 2021, silver bullion, silver news, silver update, silver now

#Silver #SilverSqueeze #SilverBullion

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