Outdoor Edge 3.5″ RazorLite EDC - Practical Review

3 years ago

You can find my write up, the other frames mentioned here and more and get your own Outdoor Edge Razor-Lite at this link http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/iotd-4-29-21

While I feel knives from Outdoor Edge like the Razor Fin & Razor Blaze are knives specifically for say a fishermen or a hunter, the RazorLite EDC to me, is a knife for everyone.  So much so that I am officially retiring my long standing recommendation for the Gerber EAB to fill this type of roll in an EDC Utility Blade.  Long term listeners to my podcast will realize that is a big deal, I have been recommending the Gerber since at least 2012.  Long before TspAz reviews even existed.

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