The TRUTH About Biden's Joint Address

3 years ago

U.S. President Joe Biden made a rousing joint address to congress on April 28th, 2021. In that speech, he made several claims and assertions about America in an attempt to advocate for his plans. His claims included a frontal assault on so-called "trickle-down economics," a commitment to "racial justice," a proposal to raise taxes on wealthy Americans to ensure they pay their "fair share," among many, many other policy initiatives. Senator Tim Scott responded immediately thereafter, being derided as an "Uncle Tom" by certain political minds. Mr. Watson responds to the Biden speech and exposes the conceptual and logical flaws buried within Biden's propositions.

#BidenSpeech #BidenJointAddress #JoeBiden #BidenCongressionalAddress #RacialJustice #FairShareTaxes #TaxRate #4TrillionDollarSpending #SocialJustice #environmentalJustice #environment #presidentjoebiden #kamalaharris #Americaisback #trickledowneconomics #politics #americanpolitics

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