William Birnes interviewed by Mike Adams: Aliens walk among us, and they are running all the institu

2 years ago

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William Birnes talks about how aliens are populating our planet, UFOs and alien technologies

Interviewed by Mike Adams, book author William Birnes talked about his theory about COVID, viruses and extraterrestrials. Birnes said if he were a part of an alien race and he wanted to migrate his race to another planet, he would send DNA through a virus instead of sending spaceships. Our planet was being populated with DNA from somewhere outside our solar system, he said. Aliens have been populating our planet.

Birnes also talked about the mRNA technology used in some COVID-19 vaccines. He said the mRNA vaccines were dealing with messenger proteins that affect human DNA. According to Birnes, whatever sequence was in the vaccine is being passed to your genes and then to the succeeding generations.

He proceeded to talk about American presidents from George Washington to Harry Truman to John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton and their links to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Birnes also talked about human technologies inspired by alien technologies, the dark side of the moon and the possibility of having microbial life on Mars.

Adams said anybody who doesn’t realize that we’re not alone in the universe is not informed.

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