German Shepherd abandoned in a landfill with two dogs. They were taken away, leaving him behind.

2 years ago

We have no idea who took the other dogs and left Andrew behind, alone, for a whole year. Luckily, workers kept feeding him, but he wouldn't let anyone near him and finally someone who knew about #HopeForPaws contacted us for help. We definitely go the extra mile (or over 300 miles of a round trip) and we can do it only when we have your support. If you can, please join us as a member today so you can also have a part in saving all these animals. It takes just 2 minutes to join us and since it's Halloween this weekend, and since this year we are celebrating 13 years of Hope For Paws, we would love it if you could join us with a 👻 $13.13 donation 🎃 here: (or $13 here on YouTube - you CAN'T have a decimal here, so please be careful not to process a $1313 donation if that was not your intention) 🙃

There is an important teaching moment here. In a situation where there is more than one dog, most people try to get whoever they can and it's usually the easiest one to get and what happens is that the more nervous dog sees his friends taken away, so he would not come closer and those animals are usually left behind.

The way we approach a situation like that is to focus on capturing the HARDEST dog FIRST because we are not as worried about spooking the easier, more trusting dog.

In this case, JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick had to do the long drive to the Mojave desert and had to only rescue one dog. They did a great job at not spooking him, they set up a trap and made sure he saw them driving away and this brought him back to his safe spot pretty quickly.

Our friends at #LAAnimalRescue did their usual amazing magic and turned him completely around and the ending will make you so happy! Andrew is now looking for his forever home, so if you would like to apply to adopt him, please contact them directly:

Thank you so much for your support!


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