End of April Garden and Farm Tour | What is growing?

3 years ago

Come along and follow us around as we look at our end of April Garden and farm tour. What is growing and what is not?

Check out our Dunstan Chestnut Seed Part 2 update here: https://youtu.be/U1aihOtk6Ps

Want to order the grow bags we are using: here is the link for those: https://amzn.to/2QJG9ZT​

I ordered the Chestnut seeds from this seller on Ebay. They came quickly and were just as described. They were already cold stratified and sprouted, ready to be planted: https://www.ebay.com/itm/20-Dunstan-C...​

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/earlybirdfar...​
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Earlybird Farm, SC is a hobby business. We video for fun and do reviews on products we buy. We bring you along to give you a peek into our everyday life. If you would like to donate to our cause to help us out, feel free to use our affiliate links below. We get a small portion of the money that helps offset our time and investment. We truly appreciate it!

Amazon Store: This is my store for Southern Food Junkie and EarlyBird Farms, SC

A Deer Hunting Devotion by my friend Michael Anderson Deeper Woods https://amzn.to/316LNYZ​

A fishing devotion by my friend Michael Anderson Deeper Waters

Things we use or would recommend using:

Outdoor Cooking

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