Owner was hospitalized and never returned - the dog was left behind, injured and scared.

2 years ago

Imagine a situation where you got sick or an accident happened... do you have a WRITTEN PLAN for your pet? Did you ever discuss this with your family and friends? Sadly, most people don't, and we are here to help with ensuring the future and safety of your pet. The idea of writing a Will scares a lot of people, but it is so important! We are happy to provide you with a solution that will help you write your own legally valid will for FREE and it will just take 20 minutes of your time. Once you complete it, you can get back to normal life and relax knowing that your pets will never end up like Clifford: https://www.freewill.com/HopeForPaws

So many animals end up on the streets or in shelters and you definitely don't want this to happen to your pets. I am only 46 years old, but I have a will, and if anything happens to me, there is a plan for taking care of the rest.

Clifford is one of the lucky ones because someone knew to call #HopeForPaws for help. Katie McKittrick and Alex Babcock headed out to the rescue, they figured out a smart plan, and together executed a perfect rescue mission!

We couldn't have done rescues like this without your support and I really hope you will join us as a member with a $5 monthly donation. It's just 16 cents a day, and YOU get to be a part of every one of these rescues: https://www.HopeForPaws.org

Clifford healed nicely and he is now waiting for his loving forever home. He is in a foster home with our friends at The Little Red Dog and if you would like to adopt him, please contact them directly here: https://www.TheLittleRedDog.org

His medical care was paid by the parents and friends of Jason Elliotte Barnes who passed away earlier this year and we are dedicating this video to him ❤️

Thank you so much for your support!



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