Mom, dad and puppies abandoned in an ally... this was a tricky rescue.

2 years ago

I had to leave the country in a rush to visit my mom who was not doing well. While I was away, texts and calls for help kept coming in, and for this one, it required all the women of #HopeForPaws: JoAnn Wiltz, Loreta Frankoynte, Katie McKittrick, and our newest member, Alex Babcock.

The family of dogs didn't trust anyone and it turned to be a challenging rescue where everybody had to work together.

The Mutt Scouts: Cadet, Junior, Daisy and Brownie were so scared. It is so sad to see puppies with so many ticks inside their ears, and there is nothing they or their parents can do to help them.

Thanks to your support, we are able to be there for them and change their lives forever! I really hope you will join us today and welcome our newest member, Alex. I was very happy to see how she managed to quickly save the dad.

If you are not a Hope For Paws member yet, please join us today:

After the rescue, the whole family continued to our friends at #LAAnimalRescue and they did an incredible job to transform their behavior from super sad, to super happy!

To apply to adopt this family, please contact them directly:

Thank you so much for your support and for sharing our videos.


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