Relaxing Thanksgiving Music - Happy Thanksgiving ★461 🦃

2 years ago

Relaxing Thanksgiving music about Thanksgiving, a day that was first celebrated by the Pilgrims who came to America in 1621. It is a day when they gave thanks to God for the blessings of the harvest. We hope you like it!


This music was composed by Derek Fiechter & Brandon Fiechter.



1. Thanksgiving ~ NEW (Holidays EP) 🦃
2. Autumn Forest
3. November

🔎 Find tracks to purchase online: Type in (Title of Track) Fiechter Bandcamp

~ (New track may not be available yet).


Beautiful Thanksgiving picture is done by Alexander Raths.

#relaxing #thanksgiving #autumn #fall

~ All music is composed by Derek Fiechter and Brandon Fiechter ~

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