2K FHD Loong Yat Heen - The Culinary Delights of Hong Kong (#sns2K, #snsFHD, #snsfoodtravel)

3 years ago

2K FHD Loong Yat Heen - The Culinary Delights of Hong Kong (#sns2K, #snsFHD, #snsfoodtravel)

Loong Yat Heen is a fine restaurant serving classic Chinese delicacies in a pleasant and modern ambiance. The restaurant has seasonal menu and a number of signature dishes which are quite unique. Apart from main dishes, the restaurant also serves delicious dim sum during lunch time.

Venue: 2/F The Kowloon Hotel
19 - 21 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
彌敦道 19 - 21號 九龍酒店 2樓

Event Date: multiple visits (January 2019 - March 2019)

Prices shown are correct at the time of the Food Tasting Event.
We paid for all expenses and maintained our anonymity throughout the entire dining experience.

URL Link: https://youtu.be/CNFoYa9fImo

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