Fixing Night Blindness

3 years ago

Fixing Night Blindness with Leslie Burke of Wise Choice Medicine
(Originally aired live via Facebook on 12 March 2020)

Nyctalopia is the term used for night blindness. A phenomenon described by the NIH as a normal part of the aging eye. It’s estimated that over 24 million adult Americans suffer from night blindness not caused by optic nerve or retinal issues. By the age of 75 over 50% of us will develop difficulty seeing in dimly lit environments, or being blinded when driving at night by oncoming headlights? Do you find yourself a bit panicked when driving at night because the oncoming headlights make you lose sight of the road? Or you find yourself using the flashlight app on your smartphone to read the menu at restaurants because, while the print isn’t necessarily hard to read, you feel it’s just too dim to see? This condition is attributed to changes in the crystalline lenses of the eye that make it more opaque. This makes rays of light harder to reach the retina. Lie looking through a really dirty window. It may also be the early signs of a developing cataract. There is something you can do about it to regain your ability to see in dimly lit environments as you age.

#nightblindness #nyctalopia #eyehealth

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