Classical Music for Beginners Part 3 | Renaissance Era Brief Overview

3 years ago

In the latest edition of "Classical Music for Beginners", we take a look at the Renaissance Era. Learn about how music transitioned from the simplicity of the Medieval Era, to the more complex sound of the Late Renaissance and Early Baroque!

Music Used
I vaghi fiori - Palestrina
The Silver Swan - Gibbons
Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen - Isaac
El Grillo - Josquin
Pavan - Byrd
O magnum mysterium - Victoria
Fantasy - Morley
Ce dour d l'an - Dufay
April Is in My Mistress' Face - Morley
Beata Maria, Kyrie - Victoria
Super flumina Babylonis - Palestrina
Fantasia - Dowland
Ce moys de May - Dufay
Proles de caelo - Dufay
Vespers - Palestrina
Liebesliederwalzer Op 52 no 6 - Brahms

Citations and Attributions

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