HTD Community Updates by Raymond Ng

2 years ago

Boy Vs OYK update as of 27 March 2022:
-Mr Ong Ye Kung cannot be sued as a minister under Protection from Harassment Act (POHA), state counsel wanted the lawsuit to be struck off
-Our response: Boy is sueing Minister as a private citizen. Can OYK be sued as a private citizen for what he posted on his personal FB page (advocating Covid-19 vaccination for children)?
-Dr Jackie Stone (Zimbabwe) helped to prepare affidavit: "Safety (vs Risk) can at best be considered uncertain. A decision to offer children an investigational injection requires that there is no risk of death or disability under the Nuremberg Code."
-Why sue the government? Keep government in check
-Information Pack - Pfizer Documents
-Support HTD's work on

From our event: How "safe" are the Covid-19 vaccines really? 27/3/2022

For the Full Video (Live): (Start from 0:33:43hrs)

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