Miranda Devine: Hunter's Laptop, Big Media and their Massive Malfeasance

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The Freedom First Network is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  We urge you to help the Freedom First Network by ordering this book today from this tracking link at https://amzn.to/36D0LLg

The Forbidden Bookshelf’s host, Tony Lyons sat down with the New York Post writer Miranda Devine, author of the best selling book Laptop from Hell​ ​Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide. Miranda is a columnist at the New York Post which broke the Hunter Biden laptop story on Oct. 14th, 2020. The NY Post reported the details of the explosive allegations that are based on the Hunter Biden laptop that was left at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019 and not picked up by Hunter Biden despite reported attempts by John Paul Mac Isaac, owner of The Mac Shop in Wilmington, Delaware to contact the son of the then former Vice-president to pick up the MacBook Pro.

This obvious “October surprise” nevertheless was suppressed by the mainstream media and discounted as mere Russian misinformation. The NY Post's Twitter account was shut down and big media outlets largely downplayed the bombshell story. This in part was greatly facilitated thanks to a letter signed by over 50 prominent members of the US national intelligence community and reported in Politico days after the NY Post story broke, that suggested that the stories concerning thousands of emails allegedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop and that could have potentially implicated Joe Biden shortly before the presidential election in November, 2020 could have been part of a Russian plot to help re-elect Trump. The October, 19th, 2020 letter, quoted in POLITICO that same day in part stated https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 :

“Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen political divisions here but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and thereby help the candidacy of President Trump,”

In Miranda Devine’s opinion there was a widespread effort by the entire establishment, to torpedo Trump’s chances for re-election by any means:

"Now, you know, they they weren't, weren't just not interested in a story that had evidence that Joe Biden was involved in this corrupt influence peddling scheme of his family. They didn't care. They just wanted to make sure that that Donald Trump lost the election. So whatever it took, and you know, whether it be writing that letter, whether it be suppressing a story, that's what they did. And we know from polls taken after the election, that, you know, if if Biden voters had known about this scandal that fully one poll, I think 10% One poll 17% of Biden voters would have changed their vote. And in an election that was decided by 45,000 people in three battleground states that, you know, could have affected the election."

With his dismal approval ratings is seems that it’s no longer possible for the media to continue carrying water for President Biden over the authenticity of the Hunter Biden Laptop emails allegedly connected to his and or Uncle Jim Biden’s business dealings in foreign countries. Yet, while big media is finally fessing up, if only grudgingly so, about the veracity of the Hunter Biden laptop story, it is still running interference for President Biden, whom many suspect was the figure referred to as “the big guy” that Hunter Biden would allegedly receive monetary payments for in one of the emails.

Miranda Devine remarked:

"Well…it's interesting that just a few weeks ago, the New York Times sort of opened the floodgates and sent the signal to left wing media that it was okay to actually report on the laptop when they buried in the 24th paragraph of the story, the fact that yes, the laptop is real, we've authenticated emails on it. You know, and the story was actually about Hunter Biden, who's facing the US Attorney in Delaware is investigating him. He's facing a grand jury, which is looking into allegations of tax evasion and money laundering and, and foreign lobbying violations. So we know that that story, The New York Post, New York Times was reporting on that and basically rehearsing Hunter Biden's Defense on that sort of downplaying any offenses that might have occurred, and then after that, once they admitted the laptop was real. Then the Washington Post swung in CBS, NBC, CNN. Suddenly they're all admitting, without admitting their previous malfeasance on the story and the Pooh poohing of the New York Post that they indulged in. They're now admitting that it's true, but they have a new narrative. And that narrative is that this is just all about Hunter Biden. And sometimes they might mention Uncle Jim Biden. But it has absolutely nothing to do with the President. And in fact, that is the narrative that was put forward by Ron Klain, the White House Chief of Staff, and just two Sundays ago with George Stephanopoulos on ABC, when extraordinarily in, in answer to a question by Stephanopoulos about the grand jury investigation into Hunter Biden, instead of saying, Look, that's an ongoing investigation, we really can't weigh into it, we will just let justice do it, you know, run its course. Instead of saying that prudent thing. What Clinton did was kind of intervene in the process by saying, first of all, that the President has full confidence in his son that he's done nothing wrong. And secondly, that this has nothing to do with the President. Nothing to do with anyone in the White House."

When pressed about the significance of the large monetary payments made to Hunter Biden, Miranda Devine stated what most everyone with any common sense is thinking and that the mainstream media can only attempt to divert attention from:

"Well, it's pretty obvious. I mean, it's a bribe. It's what happens in all these countries is, you know, countries like China, highly corrupt countries like Ukraine, you don't give the money to the top official, you give it to their family member, you give it to their son or their daughter or, you know, some other relative. And I mean, that's, that's so well known in China that there is a name for these people. Hunter Biden is known as a ‘princeling’. That is the sort of, that's the son or the daughter of a top CCP official, who gets given enormous amounts of money, not because of any skill or a benefit that they provide, but because of their proximity to the person whose influence is being bought. I mean, there's, you know, it's as old as the hills, everybody knows, that's how bribery works from a political bribery."

But it gets worse and the MSM was up to their heads in protecting the Biden family in 2020 despite the seriousness of the Hunter Biden laptop story and its ramifications. Big media is massively derelict in performing its duty to be sentinels protecting our nation and alerting the public to the aggressive designs that China has for total world domination. Nothing less than America’s world leadership is what’s at stake. Miranda leveled a double shotgun blast at the establishment media that leaves few, if any, unscathed by her broadside:

“So you know, the fact that they [the media] ignored a story and reported on these fifty one intelligence officials, you know, I mean, I think in terms of their malfeasance, it's only just one of many. And the fact is, what they can say is, well, you know, we didn't have the laptop, we couldn't verify it's bonafide. Isn't that three weeks before the election, sure. But what they also didn't report on was Tony Bobulinski, who gave a press conference right after our story on the laptop first broke, in which he verified much of the material that we had reported. He handed over the contents of his devices to the FBI, and I have that material and it corroborates and buttresses, the material on the laptop. He said that Joe Biden is lying when he says he knows nothing about Hunter's business deals. And he had some quite detailed information about one of the Chinese deals, which is probably the most disturbing deal of all, because this company, CEFC that was going into a joint venture with the Biden family was not just an energy company, it was the capitalist arm of President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is China's imperialist takeover bid of the world to overtake America as the world's economic superpower, to ensnare developing countries in debt traps to buy up their natural resources to basically hog the supply chain by the infrastructure. This is, you know, warfare against the United States. And it's something that we've become increasingly aware of, but it was something that back in 2015 and 2016, when Joe Biden was Vice President, that he and his family were involved in, they were helping the Belt and Road initiative, make inroads in countries, like in countries in the Middle East countries in Asia, in Romania, Kazakhstan. So that is an incredibly disturbing story. And I think one is it that is not fully understood. And let's see, I mean, we know that the grand jury in Delaware is now starting to ask questions of witnesses about Joe Biden, they're pulling on those threads. They're asking witnesses who is the big guy? And we know from Tony Bobulinski, and from several instances on the laptop that the big guy is Joe Biden.

The Freedom First Network is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  We urge you to help the Freedom First Network by ordering this book today from this tracking link at https://amzn.to/36D0LLg

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