pinto beans and fried corn bread

2 years ago

2lb pinto beans
2 large onions(white or yellow)
1 ham hock, salt pork, or bacon
2 cloves garlic
1-2 tbs chilli powder(can also use dried chillies)
2 tbs paprika
2 tbs white pepper (can also use black pepper)
1 tbs cumin
salt to taste

1 corn meal
1/3 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
3 tbs oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 egg beaten
2 small to medium onion diced

wash and sort beans
place beans, pork, dices onion, and 2 smashed or minced garlic cloves in pot, cook medium high, stirring occasionally, until shell of bean starts cracking or peeling, abt an hour, then add spices, cook 30 to 40 more minutes. stir more frequently after spice is added.

mix batter for cornbread until pancake consistency, fry in oil.

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