Left Out?

2 years ago

Exclusion is a word that none of really enjoy experiencing. Sometimes we are left out, not included and it is not intentional, but other times, we are purposefully excluded. Either way, it still makes for a difficult soul trap to avoid. Exclusion is really a nasty trap of the enemy and we can side step it by not making assumptions, speculations, and presumptions when our soul is bearing the feeling of being “left out”. Musing on these kinds of things, trying to wrap our mind around it, and over thinking, just leads us to a pity-party that we don’t really want to go to.

The enemy always wants us to “feel” like we are not good enough so he can invite us to a pity party that we wander aimlessly in, pushed through the open door by our passionate soured emotions. That is how the enemy of our soul rolls. Once we get into the pity-party we meet all kinds of party people: Discouragement, Disillusionment, Disappointment, Disenchantment, Displeasure, Discontentment oh yes… and then there is Depression and Despair. Don’t drink what those party people with the same first initial are drinking! Get out quickly! Run! Exclusion immediately attaches disillusionment to our soul and we need to shake it off. No Thank You! This life lesson on Exclusion starts with Jesus. We are not alone. He will never exclude us. He won’t turn his nose up at us in that snotty exclusive way. God is inclusive! He will never reject us. He will never betray us. He is always with us, for us and thinks very highly of us. God thinks more highly of me than I do myself.

God loves us unconditionally. So, He is definitely not an exclusive excluder. God sees me as perfectly finished in His mind’s eye, as He sculpts away on my design by testing my character with things like being excluded. Yes, God is with us and the second thing is, focus on Him, not ourself. If you are excluded, God has a solution, something better you can do, look to Him, ask Him, He’s got a great God Adventure waiting for you. The third thing is, preparation for exclusion. We live in a broken world, so exclusion will be a part of it, no doubt about it. Life with people who have a human condition well, all we can say is: life is such… Deal with exclusion before it happens, by putting your identity wholly-holy in Christ. When you know Who you are in Christ, and someone excludes you, leaves you out, acknowledge the way it makes you feel, give it to God and walk on, because you are simply-significantly amazing in Christ and if someone wants to exclude you, that is their loss, not yours. Dust your feet off, shake off the evil intention of your enemy and move on with God. But truly, deeply anchored in God, exclusion may rock your boat, but the anchor holds. Praise God! He is good! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/in-heaven/

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