Universal Clutch Disk Alignment Tool. DIY

3 years ago

I was needing to align a clutch disk and a part store couldn't order one for the vehicle I was working on. At another part store I found they have universal alignment tools for them. They fit most vehicles. I got this one at Napa. A little over $30. Well worth it though and it will hopefully fit anything else you ever have to work on.
I got mine at napa but if you looking for one like this on amazon, here's a link. https://www.amazon.com/Performance-Tool-W1158P-Metric-Alignment/dp/B005I51V8W?dchild=1&keywords=clutch+alignment+tool&qid=1621309292&sr=8-7&linkCode=ll1&tag=agiftedcurse-20&linkId=4dd3868fdd806c0837853a3f9f5328bc&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

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