Spring Run Steelhead Fishing / 2021 Michigan Steelhead Fishing / Lake Run Rainbow Trout

3 years ago

Spring run steelhead fishing Michigan rivers in 2021 was a blast and I hooked into more Michigan steelhead this spring than I did my first 3 years of steelhead fishing combined! 2021 Michigan steelhead fishing is going to be great but I think the 2021 spring steelhead run is mostly over and I am ready to move on to other types of Michigan fishing. Steelhead fishing is probably all I will think about until fall though. These Monster trout from lake Michigan are a force to be reckoned with and I lost a hand full of trophy size Michigan steelhead over the last year. Those Monster trout linger in the mind and haunt the dreams. A Michigan Steelhead is really just a lake run rainbow trout. Who doesn't like doing some Monster trout fishing? I like monster trout fishing a lot and thats why I have lots of trout fishing videos! Truth be told the little river trout can be just as much fun to target for other reasons but monster trout have the monster fight but small trout can be beautiful and abundantly available and you don't have to fish nasty winter weather to get trout.

Spring Steelhead Fishing Michigan Rivers is tricky compared to fall fishing especially if you are not familiar with float fishing for steelhead. Float fishing for steelhead takes a bit of getting used to and this year I began to dial in my float fishing skills and techniques. I experimented with various different steelhead float fishing rigs and spent some time fishing with guides and other experienced anglers. I always take mental notes of the things I see other steelheadders do. This year I also began centerpin steelhead fishing. Centerpin steelhead fishing has its pros and cons. It is the best way to get a good drift without a doubt. The centerpin is however harder to cast and fight big steelhead with. I am still getting my bearings with the centerpin. (that was a fishing pun) Centerpin float fishing for steelhead is a riot but I also had some luck spring steelhead fishing with spinners during this spring run. I lost a monster and got a skipper on a panther martin this spring on days where the fish were dropping back. Drop back steelhead have just finished spawning and the rest in the first big slow hole below the spawning grounds. this is a great time to agitate them with a spinner and offer them a snack because they have been burning energy running the rivers and spawning. Regardless of how you do it it’s a lot of fun to go spring steelhead fishing in Michigan rivers. There is lots of opportunities for steelhead fishing in Michigan whether you’re fishing Northern Michigan southern Michigan or mid Michigan there are rivers where are you can take it vantage of our excellent Michigan steelhead fishing. All the old pros say that this year was one of the worst years ever and I really hope that’s the case because I personally had my best year ever and if next year is going to be better then my 2021 Michigan steelhead fishing adventures I’ll be stoked for that. Stay tune for more Michigan steelhead fishing videos as well as Michigan trout fishing videos. I have more steelhead and trout videos on the way shortly however I think the time of the lake run rainbow trout is over until fall. That won’t stop me from getting out there and harassing the resident rainbows and brown trout. I have plans to go out and target brook trout this weekend so hopefully I will have a Brook Trout Fishing video coming in the near future as well!

Reel Michigan Anglers is a collection of Michigan Outdoors Videos made by real Michigan Fisherman. Not professional anglers but average guys on their quest to catch as many epic fish as possible. Michigan fishing flows through my veins like water flows through Michigan rivers and I enjoy sharing my Michigan fishing adventures with you all in the form of educational and entertaining fishing videos. I love fishing for all species in all bodies of water but have a particular passion for Michigan river fishing. Fishing Michigan rivers has brought me so much joy and excitement and my zen place is me standing in a river with a fishing rod in my hands. I am not in this for the fame or the attention my goal is to help other fisherman grow and learn with me and to get paid to fish which I do now thanks to all of you lovely viewers. Thanks to your support I will continue to bring you many more Michigan. fishing videos! I will be Fishing Michigan 2021 and making more fishing videos for your enjoyment!

Rods used in this video:
Lamiglas X-11 9 foot
Lamiglas Redline Centerspin 12 foot

Spring Run Steelhead Fishing
2021 Michigan Steelhead Fishing
Lake Run Rainbow Trout
2021 Michigan Steelhead

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