Tyrant Shutdown. Unlawful Orders Ignored. Tucks Tail. Officer White. Lynn Police Department. Mass.

3 years ago

This was on Monday may 3rd 2021 at approximately 918, outside of the Lynn police department, in Lynn Massachusetts. I was stopped by the Lynn police department because they were in the headlines recently. Seven of their officers were put on administrative leave Because one officer was arrested for domestic assault and battery. When they went into his phone because he had message his significant other with threatening messages they found a group chat with 6 other Lynn police officers.

Through those messages they found talks of racial slurs, ceroid use and illegal drug use. As I was there filming they were just swearing in for new officers. Soon after I started filming there was a notification through the radio transmissions that I was there with my camera and not to give me the time of day. Some officers cannot help themselves, such as officer white badge # 119. He approached me and instantly started giving the unlawful orders saying I was trespassing.

He kept pushing the issue and he really thought he was going to get me to move. When I asked him for his name and badge you gave me his name and while he was walking away from me facing the opposite direction he said his badge. I asked once again and he would not repeat himself so I went inside. While I was inside they had me wait for over half hour for a couple smalle public records request in some of their policies.

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email: records@lynnpolice.org



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