If you can see this video that means you have less than 10,000 Days to Live

2 years ago

The book of Thoth: Tis not possible, no man can speak the truth without being hated, tis not possible, how can it be so? You must either offend, the brother, father, mother of such and as such you will be hated by the hypocrites, you will come at a time when the hypocrites are strong, they will be strong in numbers and they will be strong with hypocrisy...

The book of Thoth: I will end the intoxication of their arrogance with shame and mockery, I shall shackle them in shame and mockery and lead them to the path of my vengeance...

The book of Thoth : for ye who delight in the torment of others, will have their delight repaid unto to them with the suffering of thirst. They will be prevented from the mercy of being able to beg for mercy.

The book of Thoth: I will make you something strange to them until they have been bestowed in my comfort.

I will place wind on top of wind and fuel it with my contempt for wickedness, I will then command this wind to hunt the wicked for me, I will command this wind to pulverize the wicked in my name!

I will make the streets of the land noble by washing them with the blood of the wicked...

Through their own ears, as if being spoken to by themselves, to themselves, they will curse theirselves.

They will blaspheme in placing their judgment before mine, they will blaspheme by placing their arrogance before my knowledge of all things.

My horseman will be protected by the seen and unseen, as ordered on my decree.

I will put anger in the Sun and command it to hurl it's contempt upon my challengers!


Allath is
The one who bestows
The one who subtracts
The one who guides
The one who allows
The architect
The artist
The Educator
The Final Punisher
The Judge
The One
The Commander
The Forgiver
The Compassionate
The Merciful
The irresistible
The uncontainable
The unstoppable
The One who cannot be seized
The defeater of all challengers
The Patient
The Equalizer
The humbler
The all-knowing

Say : oh dear Allath we beg you to make it easy for us to come to you. We beg you to remove any obstructions caused by our arrogance and our ignorance. We beg you to protect us from The Temptations of wickedness and from the false promises of pride oh, we beg you to keep us in the state of enlightenment so that we may be aware

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