Walter Veith: Sitting on the Time Bomb- What Drugs Are Used In Animal Husbandry? - 3/5

2 years ago

Massive culling or extermination of farm animals due to disease outbreak is becoming more commonplace these days. Why? What is different today about animal husbandry and what are the issues that should concern us? The animal husbandry industry has dramatically changed over recent decades. Animals used for food are fed recycled animal protein feeds, manure, and petrochemical waste. In addition, a host of drugs, such as antibiotics and growth stimulants, are used in the industry. The consequences of these practices for human consumers are potentially devastating.

In this episode, Professor Walter J. Veith shares results from his research in commercial animal husbandry and lessons we can apply to our own lives for better health. What can a comparative study of disease rates in different countries teach us about lifestyle choices and their consequences? For example, why do certain nations have higher cancer and bone fracture rates than others? Why does how meat is cooked affect its ability to cause cancer? What is biomagnification and why should it concern us? These and many other questions will be answered in this presentation.
Bio Walter Veith
Walter Veith is a retired zoologist, professor, researcher, world-wide speaker and evangelist. He has written several books including diet and health. He was the keynote speaker of Canda’s Amazing Discoveries, a non-profit worldwide ministry based in British Columbia, Canada. He currently resides in his home country of South Africa where he began the What’s Up Prof? series which explores current events in the light of bible prophecy.

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