Dr Yeardon: Authorities Own the Minds of Sheople who Believe “The COVID Lies" (Updated 4/22)

2 years ago

Dr. Mike Yeadon on CHD Podcast 4/22/22. According to FUNKTIONARY:
tyrant-paradigm – the assertion or assent to certain concepts, idea, memes, words, patterns of thinking, attitudes, beliefs, and
convictions that give rise to coercive political systems. It includes the notion that the tyrants (territorial gangsters) are so
omniscient and omnipotent that they can prevent natural persons from living free. The words that constitute the tyrant paradigm
are enemy outposts in your mind. Tyrants “own” the minds of their oppressed victims to the extent that victims hold content and
attributes of the tyrant-paradigm in the minds. The tyrant-paradigm consists of the “construction of systematic thought” and “the
systematic patterns of thought” that give rise to coercive governmental and political systems. (See: Authority, The OCTOCON,
Territorial Gangsters, Stationary Bandits, Government, Ideologies & Reactions)

tyrants – there are none; only tyranny exists. How can one man or woman rule a multitude against their will except through mindcontrol
and word-conditioning control? “Find out the exact amount of injustice any people accept, and you will find out the exact
amount of injustice they receive.” ~Freddy D. “The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” ~John Jay,
Castilian Days II, 1872. (See: Terms, “The Law,” Dictatorship, Corporate State & Fascism)

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