Watchwoman: Dream of Helicopter Crash, Three Day Rapture Watching, Numbers Are NOT Witchcraft!!!!!!

3 years ago

Sorry, I misspoke that the helicopter crash was in Palmer, Arkansas. It was in Palmer, Alaska. Read Psalm 100 and 101. Really pray to the Lord God to be rapture ready. Don't be drunk on this world- James 4, Revelation 1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4. Be walking by the Spirit and not by the sinful nature- Galatians 5:19-25. Sorry, I also had the wrong year for March 27. It was March 27, 2007 when I was served divorce papers in the church parking lot after I came out of Bible study. God bless.

The difference between the Rapture and the 2nd Coming-

Please check out my channel and the playlists on it. The rapture is imminent and pre-Tribulation.

I use for the Strong's Concordance and then actually READ the verses associated with the word/number.

The length of the video is 1807:
exaireó: to take out, to deliver
Original Word: ἐξαιρέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: exaireó
Phonetic Spelling: (ex-ahee-reh'-o)
Definition: to take out, to deliver
Usage: I take out, remove; sometimes (mid): I choose, sometimes: I rescue.
HELPS Word-studies
1807 eksairéō (from 1537 /ek, "completely out from," intensifying 138 /hairéomai, "personally choose, prefer") – properly, remove completely ("totally out from"), i.e. bring into a "complete rescue (full removal)."

[1807 (eksairéō) emphasizes total removal ("wholly out from"). This refers to a complete rescue, bringing a person into full deliverance.]

One of the news stories about the helicopter crash=

Gematria on the title of the news story?

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