Lesson 110: We Turn to the Gentiles 111121

2 years ago

The Bible Show
JD Hudson YouTube Channel:

Lesson 110: We Turn to the Gentiles 111121

01.) Acts 13:13-17, 26, 42-48 (We turn to the gentiles).
02.) Amos 3:1-2, 7-8 (God has only known Israel).
03.) Matthew 10:1, 5-7 (Jesus said go not to Gentiles or Samaritans).
04.) Genesis 10:1-5 (Gentiles, the sons of Japheth).
05.) Luke 3:23-24, 31-32, 34-38 (Abraham, a son of Shem).
06.) Genesis 10:22, 24 (Abraham's lineage to Eber, Salah, and Arphaxad).
07.) Matthew 15:22-24 (Jesus only sent to Israel).
08.) Romans 10:1-3, 21 (Israel has zeal, but no knowledge).
09.) Romans 11:1-5, 7-8, 11, 13-14, 18-21, 25-27 (Israel is not done away with).
10.) Matthew 16:17-20 (The church is not built on Peter).
11.) Deuteronomy 32:1-4 (The Lord our God is the Rock).
12.) 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 (The Rock is Christ).
13.) Ephesians 2:18-21 (Jesus Christ the chief corner stone).
14.) Matthew 18:1, 18-20 (What the disciples bind and loose on earth).
10.) Psalms 83:1-8 (Israel, God's hidden ones).
11.) 2 Kings 17:6, 24, 19 (Assyria takes Israel captive).
12.) Luke 19:28, 41-44 (Jerusalem laid even to the ground).
13.) Obadiah 1:1-21 (Esau takes Israel's substance).
14.) Ezekiel 37:21-23 (The Lord will gather Israel).
15.) Jeremiah 31:10-12 (The Lord will gather Israael).
16.) Isaiah 11:1-4, 11-12 (The Lord will gather Israel).
17.) Psalms 147:2 (The Lord will gather Israel).
18.) Isaiah 56:6-8 (The Lord will gather strangers as well as Israel).
19.) Matthew 24:29-31 (The Lord will gather the elect).
20.) Acts 7:37-38 (Moses with the church in the wilderness).
21.) Acts 11:1-4, 17-22, 25-26 (Disciples called Christians in Antioch).
22.) Genesis 16:15 (Abram's first son Ishmael is born).
23.) Genesis 21:3 (Abraham's second son Isaac is born).
24.) Genesis 25:21-26 (Isaac's sons Esau and Jacob are born).
25.) Genesis 36:8 (Esau is Edom).
26.) Genesis 32:28 (Jacob is Israel).

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