Hilarious Mike Adams / Clay Clark interview: Covid, depopulation and globalist secrets

2 years ago

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Clay Clark talks about Reawaken America Tour, 666, COVID-19 vaccine and depopulation

Interviewed by Mike Adams, Clay Clark talked about the Reawaken America Tour. He said the next stop of the tour was in Grand Rapids, Michigan on August 19-21. Clark also mentioned that he’s bringing his show called ThrivetimeShow to Brighteon channel. Adams added that Brighteon.TV will be launched on August 24 with dozens of hosts having their own shows – including Clark and himself.

Clark proceeded to show a nice little trick showing the number of letters in corona and the sum of the number where those letters appear in the alphabet (c=3, o=15, r=18, o=15, n=14, a=1) combining to form 666. Moreover, Clark noted that Microsoft’s patent number for a cryptocurrency system using body activity data is WO/2020/060606.

He also talked about COVID-19 vaccines. Clark said he wanted former President Donald Trump to own up to his mistakes by admitting that he was wrong about Operation Warp Speed and COVID-19 vaccine and by telling his supporters not to take it. According to Clark, Luciferian people like Bill Gates wanted to depopulate the planet. He noted that Gates had a speech where the Microsoft co-founder said the only way to depopulate the planet and get it to a more sustainable level is through the use of widespread vaccination.

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