Circular Saw shaped UFO on a BRIGHT Day light?!?!?!

2 years ago

Circular Saw shaped UFO on a BRIGHT Day light?!?!?!
Or, is this Indian God Vishnu's Sudharshan CHAKRA, a very ADVANCED TECCHNOLOGY??
Is Vishnu or his ET race still visiting us, in the CHAKRA shaped UFO, to check human progress??

Proof: LEAKED Raw footage from Montreal Canada 27 August,2021

What is DOMAIN...?? There are no GODS (read more below...)
Aliens/EBEs have been here and are active for a few billion years now... each and every species and microbial entities have been created by them... there is something called Domain operated from the facility in Ceres asteroid which is or was responsible to give our contracts to various Earth like planets from different galaxies to populate earth with various species... animals, birds, aquatic life, insects and microbial world... they were created as per the habitat and geographic conditions... all the species that you see all around us including the humans... it costed them a lot of time, energy and resources and one species (genetic specimen) feeding on other caused a lot of conflicts among those EBE races... i.e. the specimens/experiments were getting jeopardized as they were destroying and feeding on each other... as these genetic experiments were very expensive from resources perspective, so all the projects had to genetically reprogram their specimens to follow a mutually agreed on food chain and the hierarchy or the animal kingdom... Also, there is nothing called GOD and nobody saves you... it's the spiritual enlightenment that makes and breaks everybody even the "Gods"... Gods all over the world from various different religions are mere "Officers" of so call "Domain"... the beings who orchestrated all this were from the domain which the insiders still hesitate to talk about but the government is fully aware off them since 1947... will cover more on that in the future posts... more to come...

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