The WHO Is Making Us SICK

2 years ago

The World Health Organization (WHO) has periodically come under criticism throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. But a little reported incident is perhaps the latest cause for concern. The United States is attempting to amend the World Health Organization's IHR (International Health Regulation) which controls how the organization handles public health matters. The proposed regulations would decrease WHO transparency and make it easier for bureaucrats to make unilateral decisions about public health for its member states. Mr. Watson exposes the fallacy of this approach, and also demonstrates how the concept of "public health" is morally corrupt.

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#WHO #publichealth #unitednations #covid19 #pandemic #UN #worldhealthorganization #americanpolitics

WHO, World Health Organization, 75th world health summit, politics, philosophy, public health, public health tyranny, united nations, united states who amendments, who ihr, international health regulations, covid tyranny,


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