Xterra Suspension Walk-through

2 years ago

Sloth Overland Five-minute Flash Film
Xterra Suspension Walk-through

Walk-through on Zeus - our overlanding rig. With 600 pounds of armor, we needed to alter the suspension a bit. This video covers what was changed.

Parts List
ARB Springs - 700# per inch (From Nisstec Lifts)
Old Man Emu Struts (From Nisstec Lifts)
Supreme Suspensions Front Leveling Kit (Amazon)
Supreme Suspensions 2pc 1.5" Hub Centric Wheel Spacers
Front jounces (From Nisstec Lifts)

ALCAN Springs reworked for an extra 400# and 4" lift (From ALCAN, but modified by Dunbar Springs, Phoenix, AZ)
Bilstein 5125 BIL 33-186542 (from 4 Wheel Parts)
20" Rear Brake Hoses (From Nisstec Lifts)
Supreme Suspensions 2pc 1.5" Hub Centric Wheel Spacers
Rear jounces (From Nisstec Lifts)

DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is for educational/entertainment purposes only. No assumption of liability, either express or implied, is assumed. Items shown in this video can injure you. Use at your own risk. Seek competent, professional advice.

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