Par For The Course

2 years ago

Hey Heart To Heart! Hope your day is going well. One of the things I love to do is golf. I drive the ball well, but my chipping gives me some trouble and sometimes I don’t putt consistently well, so I don’t get a par very often. It would be really cool if I could put it all together the driving, chipping and putting, then I would be making a par all the time. But, life is not like that, is it? Sometimes our faith drives us well, but other times doubt, fear, anxiety comes in and really messes up our endgame. I see my faith like that, like I just can’t get it all together, the believing, the trusting, the hoping. I stumble a lot with the trusting. I believe in God, but sometimes I just don’t believe Him like I should. When I am unfocused, I don’t take Him at His Word, I don’t stand on His promises, I waiver a bit. Life can throw at us some huge thunderstorms that just pop up in our lives, and it can knock our hope right off course. We can grow through any life storm with Jesus as we keep exercising our faith, activating it by connecting to God and keeping our life roots dug deeply in Him. There will come a day when we mature in our faith, we will put it all together, believing, trusting, hoping with an active, strong faith. Yes, it is possible, all things are possible with God. One day, we will get it all together, we will drive well, we will chip perfectly and then putt the ball right in the hole for a par. Heart To Heart, I pray we do what it takes to get strong in our faith, belief, hope and trust in God, as we enjoy this great God Adventure with Him, as we are growing through. Let’s stay tight with God in a vital-vertical relationship with Him. Let’s end well, with a par or even a bogey!! God bless you. Happy golfing! Dig Deeper:

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