Is Peace Passe?

1 year ago

In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses how the United States has moved drastically away from its previous role as a peacemaker in world conflicts to a nation that actively aids and abets such conflicts, such as shipping billions of dollars in military equipment to Ukraine and previous "regime change" interventions in Haiti, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, and Libya, as well as in Ukraine in 2014. No longer do American Presidents employ diplomats and convene peace talks or seek cease-fires. Now, neo-con controlled puppets like Joe Biden seek war as a first resort to overthrow any government not in agreement with the aims of the Global Reset and the New World Order. Donald Trump was the first recent President NOT to get us in any new wars and to disengage from ongoing wars. That made him the enemy of the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned us of in his 1961 Farewell Address.

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