Goodwill~ read along in the description

2 years ago

To decipher and discern what is healthy and useful for all, and for all to understand these wisdoms with a mutual respect.

What do you believe is mutual respect?
I tell you it is something worth pondering.
For I know mutual respect is given and earned in the same moment of wandering.
Revealing yet again how it is not possible to own it, this moment, for the transfusion that creates true mutual respect is something both freely give and expect back. With no ill thoughts or intentions towards this growing of good will.

What is it you believe is goodwill?
I hope you keep this at the forefront of your mind.
I know it simply from how the word is defined.
Now if you have forgotten let this be a humble remind.
Now the other words behind Good Wills definition have a bonding nature and intention hollering at you to listen.
Good will means; friendly, helpful, and cooperative,
For all that Good will offers and gives is magnificent and full of gifts.
Honesty, trust, and even respect,
is the nature construct of how Good will connects.

So I suggest you simply know this entire summary of words as only LOVE.
A love that is provided at all layers of existence,
And with your genuine loving persistence from thinking about the presence of your actual spirit,
You will begin to hear it, this higher meaning, and then you will begin seeing an abundance of good and healthy things, and begin to connect with the mutual respect which enables goodwill to grow stronger.
To be there in every decision,
And I can tell you sharing this message is my life’s mission, so again I will mention and bring to your attention this question once more,
What do you believe is your life’s mission?
The divine hold open the doors for you to safely explore, so I must implore you to think about your own personal connection to a good loving source.

And this source is the center, the interior, the exterior, and the microscopic.
It’s a divine unfolding and you can’t stop it,
For the highest of intellect must give respect to the profound glorifying nature of an unfolding flower in its natural habitat.
For that intellect can’t replicate that creation process
without manipulation of this omnipresent source,
With the ability to be the center everywhere,
for does not balancing alone show us countless facets in our own daily living?
You’re even balanced when somewhere else you are not, but when awareness starts nurturing all the facets of balancing,
Then standing firm and strong seems less and less challenging.

What is it you think holds you back from trying something new? Is it the lack of ability, or a hesitation coming from within only you?
We mustn’t be fearful of what it is we grow into,
And our awareness can make most anything true.
So do not be fearful, instead be full of life.
Embrace understanding you have the full capability to take upon new abilities to build what you see and believe. And with the nature of goodwill this will be achieved.

When this goodwill is nurtured and nourished by a single individual,
There’s a driving desire to lead conversation towards something more consensual,
To connect and spread the good will further in more of mankind,
And it’s inevitable growth will transcend the bounds of current understanding into a new mutuality of common sense.
Where the experienced take good care of the innocence,
And the nature of Goodwill takes care of this.

Take a mindful approach,
And try not to encroach,
Upon others growing along your side.

Try not to suppose,
And no longer impose,
Your own self dignity and pride.

This corruption will implode,
And the goodwill will expose,
All the evil that might try to hide.

Take good care of your decisions,
Take good counsel for advice,
Give lessons with good intentions,
Give good help should the moment arise.

Life has been, and always will be, beautiful and full of grace.
And when good will is

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