Young Girls Prayers Saved Me from Going to Hell by Dr Yeager

2 years ago

One day, not too long ago, I was in the sanctuary of the church I pastor praying. I was walking back and forth in the very front, by the altar. My heart was filled with overwhelming thankfulness and gratefulness for God saving my wretched and miserable soul. You see at one time I was extremely lost, in bondage to drugs, alcohol, and immorality.

On my 19th birthday, February 18, 1975, at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon I was in the process of committing suicide. I was a manic depressant and simply wanted to die. I had a large survival knife that I was using, getting ready to cut my wrist. As I was weeping full of self-pity, with the sharp blade pressed up against my wrist, something supernatural and amazing happened to me.

A blanket of God’s divine fear fell upon my heart. At that very moment, I knew that I knew that I deserved hell, and I was headed there. This reality was so real that it shook me to my innermost being. I dropped the knife into the sink and fell to my knees crying out to Jesus Christ in prayer. At that very instant, I was gloriously born again. Jesus set me free from drugs, alcohol, perversions, depression, tobacco, and worldly music all at one time.

Now here I was, over 40 years later thanking God for my glorious and amazing salvation. All those years I have shared with people about my salvation experience, telling them as far as I knew my salvation was a sovereign move of God. I had not known any believers or anyone who had been praying for me. In my heart, I always assumed that it was simply that God had a plan for me. That God had simply by his sovereign will, and his mercy stepped into my life, snatched me out of the hands of the enemy, saved my soul, and put me into the ministry.

As I had my hands lifted towards heaven praising God that I was rescued from a life of sin and perversion, I had an open vision. Now, an open vision is one in which your eyes are open, but you see into another realm. To share with you exactly how this works would take too long. I suggest you get my book called “How God Leads and Guides”. In this open vision, I saw this slender young girl who was approximately 10 years old.

She had long blonde, strawberry-colored hair. I saw this young girl standing with her hands reaching out to heaven. The vision almost seemed a little grainy like it was from an old movie back in the 60s. This vision was so realistic that it almost took away my breath. This is how God moves. One moment everything is normal, and the next minute you’re into the supernatural.
This young girl had her hands reached out towards heaven.

She was crying out and praying to God for something. And then I heard her prayer. I could hardly believe my ears. She was crying out for her husband to be. She literally was reaching into the future asking God to prepare the man who would be her husband. As I heard her sincere and desperate prayer tears began to roll down my face. It was like the glory of God was shot down upon her. I knew the Lord was hearing her.

1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers:

As I’m standing in the sanctuary of our church with my heart transfixed upon this vision, I said to the Lord: Lord what is this? He said to me: because of her, I was able To Rescue You! I said to the Lord: WHAT? The Lord said to me: It is because of this girl’s prayers I was able to save your soul. I stood there in complete shock and amazement. With a trembling lip, I said: Lord who is this? He said to me: This is your wife, Kathleen! She cried out for your soul as a young girl praying for her husband to be.
When I heard, the Lord say this, my heart literally broke. (I’m not exaggerating)

I began to weep with a heavy sob. All these years I had assumed that my salvation was based simply on God’s sovereignty. He had rescued by soul because He had a wonderful job for me to perform. Now here I was 40 years later discovering that my whole salvation had depended upon a young girl crying out to God for her future husband. Oh, how I wept, and rejoice in the fact that God hears and answers prayers. I had loved my wife before this experience, but not my soul was bursting with a newfound love for my precious wife of 37 years.

Later that afternoon I went home specifically to see my wife. I said to her with almost a tremble in my voice. Baby doll when you were a young girl, did you cry out to God for your husband to be? She looked at me with utter sincerity. She replied: Yes. She told me that she prayed all the time that God’s hand would be upon her husband.

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