Biological Creatures Found in Vaxxed, MASSIVE Clots in Pure Bloods, Urgent CPS Abduction

2 years ago

Wednesday on The Stew Peters Show we bring you some incredible segments that will light your path to finding the truth!

Ananda joins Stew to discuss her life-altering story behind the side effects she dealt with during her practice of curing vaccinated patients of blood-clots via medical cupping.

Are swimming pools safe to swim in with the jabbed?

If we needed a blood transfusion & the only option was contaminated blood by the jabbed, what would happen?

What is causing Hepatitis in children?

Dr. Jane Ruby answers these important question and MORE!

Dr. Ariyana Love discusses a patient of hers who is infested with parasitical clots that resulted from COVID jab!

Help Dr. Love's patient pay for her medical expenses, visit:

Jamie & Lindsey Tweet share their story of having Lindsey's 5 year old child stripped from them unjustly by C.P.S. and are now faced with losing him forever.

Call Judge Myron Calvin Milford Jr about the case at this #: (334) 864-4320

Donate to the Tweet family so they can continue to pay for the legal fees that are keeping them in the battle to save Lindsey's son:

Watch this full show now at!

Don't miss a moment of Wednesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on

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