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Injectable at Home #mesotherapy #dmae

2 years ago

This is from far my favorite injectable serum.
You can order it on LFA international.

Bright the skin tone,
Lifting effect
Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
Good hydration.

Here are a few links that I like to use: These links won't cost you extra and help to support the channel.
1ml ser...gue : https://amzn.to/39DLmvO
1ml ser..gue with 31G Nee..le attach: https://amzn.to/3yn0qIE
Mesotherapy: Human Stem Cell: https://amzn.to/38jAqCM

Threads links:
30g/25mm:(forehead - temples- acne scar treatment - chin - nasolabial and marionette lines) https://amzn.to/3NXmcIi
31g/12mm (glabellar - crows feet - under eye dark circle area) : https://amzn.to/3LUYMBv
30g/38mm (forehead - Temple) : https://amzn.to/3utLhD9
29g/25mm (forehead - cheeks - jawline - chin.) https://amzn.to/3DXGWuM
29g/38mm (nasolabial - marionnette lines.) https://amzn.to/3DX8z7v

I do not recommend DIY skincare this can be dangerous.
I do not recommend that you try this at home.
I am not professional or licensed in any of this.
My knowledge is based on my own type of skin and my facial anatomy.
This is not a medical reference.
Seek a professional for advice.
This Channel is made for entertainment purposes.


  • 0/2000
  • I bought the DMAE+argeriline with your code with Promessefiller. I don't like general meso. Therefore I asked the team if I could do this treatment with the BAP technique and they say yes. have you ever tried this? thank you!

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