VACCULAM PATENT NUMBER WO-2020-060606 - 666 ChiXiStigma - HexAkoSioiHexekonta

2 years ago

The Mark of the ANTICHRIST BEAST SYSTEM666 - VACCULAM666 with nanobio electronics LUCIFERASE Black Goo/ Nanotech computer operating system - - -- -Daniel 2:43 IRON MIXED WITH MIRY CLAY na TRANSHUMANISM/ CYBORG/ Cybernetic Organism Technocratic- Orweillian New World Order Totalitarian ANTICHRIST Beast System666 Completion & Revelations 13:16-18 for TOTAL Mind, Body & Spirit CONTROL Blasphemy

(Vacculam666 plus NEURAL LACE, Ai/ AGi/ ASi Smart Cities saturated w/5G Kill Grid for Total Surveilance of the BODILY FUNCTIONS using Vacculam666 with Darpa Hydrogel, Luciferase/ Black Goo with Patent Number WO-2020-060606 Just like China's Social Credit System, but more Control/ Surveillance, Etc). Salamat po sa Dios sa kaunawaan! Brothers in Christ, Sound the Shofar & Share! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

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