Part 3 of 3 Cigar 7 & 8 challenge by United Cigar

2 years ago

This is Part 3 of 3 of the Cigar 7 & 8 Challenge and Review...
These are the last 2 cigars of the first 8 cigar shipment. After this, the 200 votes will be tallied and the 4 winners will be shipped later as Cigar 9 & 10 and Cigar 11 & 12. We will review these as well when the shipment arrives and the winner of these 4 will be the champion cigar. Oh yes!
I'm ready to light my ash, smoke, and vote! Light up your ashes and let's go! The Cigar Taste Challenge by United Cigar brought by the Ash Holes and Cigar Authority.
This is my first time attempting a cigar taste challenge and first time trying to smoke two cigars at once! Going to be fun, interesting, and a new experience. So follow me thru the challenge!
More info on the cigar tasting contest, go to:


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