What Are the Stages of Professional Burnout? And How to Combat It!

2 years ago

You love your job, but lately, it's been harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning. Feeling overwhelmed, constantly stressed, and struggling to keep up with work demands? You're not alone.

Professional burnout is a very real phenomenon that can affect anyone in any field. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, 43% of employees experience burnout. Left unchecked, it can lead to serious health problems.

1. What are the early warning signs of burnout?

There are a few key warning signs to look out for if you're concerned that you might be experiencing burnout. If you're feeling chronically overwhelmed, undervalued, and unhappy at work, then it's likely that you're experiencing burnout. Other common symptoms of burnout include feelings of cynicism and detachment from your work, excessive stress, poor sleep quality, and physical health problems.

If you're noticing any of these warning signs, it's important to take action immediately. Evaluate your current situation and ask yourself if there are any changes you can make in your work life to reduce the amount of stress you're facing.

2. What are the physical and emotional symptoms of burnout?

The physical and emotional symptoms of burnout often overlap and can be difficult to distinguish from one another. Some of the most common physical symptoms of burnout include headaches, backaches, chronic fatigue, insomnia, indigestion, and chest pain.

The most common emotional symptoms of burnout are feelings of cynicism and detachment, irritability and angry outbursts, depression and hopelessness, feelings of incompetence and low self-esteem, and a loss of interest in work or other activities.

3. What are the causes of burnout?

Burnout can be caused by many different things, but one of the most common causes is career-related stress. When you're under a lot of pressure at work and don't have enough time to take care of yourself, it's easy to start feeling burned out. Other common causes of burnout include:
• Chronic stress
• Lack of control over your work or life
• Unrealistic expectations from others or yourself
• Feeling like you're not good enough or that you constantly have to prove yourself
• Toxic work relationships or a negative work environment

4. What are some ways to prevent burnout?

There's no single answer to preventing burnout, but there are some strategies that can help. One key element is to think about your career in the long term. What are your long-term goals? What steps do you need to take to get there? Focusing on the future can help you stay motivated and prevent burnout in the present.

It's also important to stay mindful of your work/life balance. Make sure you're taking time for yourself outside of work - whether that means hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or just taking a break from work-related stressors.

5. How can you combat burnout if it's already happening?

First, make sure you're taking time for yourself outside of work. Get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat a healthy diet. Also, make sure you're scheduling regular breaks during the day and taking time for yourself each week to relax and rejuvenate.

If your burnout is due to feeling overworked or overwhelmed at your job, you might also want to consider taking a career break or changing careers altogether. Burnout can be a sign that you're in the wrong career field or that you need a change in scenery. Don't be afraid to make a change - it could be just what you need to feel refreshed and motivated again.

Burnout is a serious issue that can have a major impact on your health, happiness, and career. If you're feeling burned out, don't ignore the warning signs - take action to prevent or combat it. With a little bit of effort, you can get back on track and feel like yourself again.

There are steps you can take to combat professional burnout before it becomes a bigger problem. Recognizing the signs of professional burnout is the first step. Once you know what to look for, you can start taking steps to combat it.

This video is part of a playlist titled What To Do If You Recognize These Signs in Yourself? that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHLuW18g78WIWR1axLWBZuMXDAJkwX7pu

If you’d love a customized strategy based on my 20 years of experience working with people just like you, hop on my calendar at http://meetwithleeann.me

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Video hashtags: #LifeCoach #burnout #gritandgrace

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