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Why Humans Sacrifice

2 years ago

In this video I discuss the symbolic meaning of sacrifice in general, why it’s a human universal and how we still engage with ritualistic sacrifice today. There are many different examples of sacrifice, not only killings, but offering and dedication for initiation into a group, as tribute or taxes, remembering the dead, to found a city or a home etc. Finally I talk about how Christianity solves the problem of sacrifice, in particular the problem of mimetic sacrifice of the scapegoat (René Girard).


00:00:00 - Coming up next...
00:00:31 - Intro music
00:01:02 - Introduction
00:02:45 - The "religion" category
00:04:46 - The two goals of all beings
00:07:41 - Why humans kill
00:10:10 - Why humans act selflessly
00:13:33 - René Girard: The scapegoat
00:21:44 - The limits of Girard: other types of sacrifice
00:23:44 - Ritual sacrifices bind us together
00:26:48 - The tribute: sacrificing to authority
00:28:59 - Human sacrifice and war
00:33:21 - Sacrificing food
00:34:49 - The sacrifice to found a city or a home
00:37:34 - Levels of ritualized sacrifice
00:39:30 - The first born
00:41:02 - Initiation sacrifices
00:44:45 - Sacrifice in the Gospels
00:47:26 - The problem with the scapegoat sacrifice
00:50:09 - What Christianity reveals
00:53:20 - The modern world's sacrifices
00:56:20 - Abortion
00:58:11 - The elites
00:59:26 - Final words
01:01:48 - Outro


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My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.
My website designers, Anomalist Design: https://www.anomalistdesign.com/
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