3 years ago

Weekly LIVE Group Satsang Meetings in the NOW:

The direct seeing is an invitation to freedom, liberation, home, or source. It is an invitation to stop for a moment, resort to the technique of FORGETFULNESS by disengaging from everything you think you know or don’t know. Your mind is naturally inclined to search for and engage with experiences, whereas forgetfulness implies that you no longer need new experiences or knowledge because they are not necessary for self-realization. This exercise is a double-edged sword, through the process of direct enquiry, the mind can react in two ways: it can treat everything it meets/hears as mere knowledge and reference it through what it already ‘knows’ or it can be ridden with anxiety over what it will lose, which is ultimately the process of its disintegration. If you can really forget everything, even for a second, the natural pure you will be revealed, which is uncorrupted, unconditioned, untouched by the mind; the domain of pure being. Your home is that which sees or illuminates the river of life i.e. all experiences. Consciousness or your home is the only unchanging, ‘rock solid’ aspect of your life everything else is subject to change.
Your true home, the present moment is freedom from time and space. Everything you have ever been looking for is within consciousness. The different aspects of consciousness such as happiness, compassion, kindness, peace, and love are the pure rays of the sun emanating from the one source. Awareness/Consciousness is always quietly observing and illuminating your present experience. The desire for this true and pure seeing is the greatest desire, goal, and excitement that you could ever have.


Mindo is an enlightened teacher helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment, and Full Consciousness. Mindo has helped over 550 people raise their Levels of Consciousness and discover their Highest True Potential, Freedom, and Power.

There are now 20 Enlightenment Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Skype or Zoom:

Mindo offers a clear insight into the Enlightenment, Spiritual Openings, and Levels of Consciousness (LOC), helping to support you through every aspect of the spiritual journey and the process of awakening.

Mindo delivers the Full Consciousness Transmissions and holds weekly Satsangs, Meditation Meetings, Workshops, and International Retreats.

For more information about these teachings, to receive your Full Consciousness Transmission session via Skype or Zoom, for upcoming workshops and local and international retreats, please visit

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