What my plans are now that the tesla is gone!

2 years ago

ridesharing lifestyle
This is a peek behind the scene of what I'm doing, whats going on, were my business is, little tricks that I learn along the way to financial freedom or financial ruin, Let's see were this new venue takes me..

Sick and tired of how the 9-5 treated me, working endless nights to climb the non existent corporate latter to then getting back stabbed by the same people I worked hard for. it's never fair but still a learning experience, Loosing it all to student loans, Hurricane Maria then the shutdowns just broke me.

I've given up friends and family members to achieve my dreams of a business, to speak what I want when I want and how ever I want withough worrying about consequences. Succeed or Fail, I don't care just as long as I keep going

Any links that you need are probably here https://linktr.ee/drivinginstyle

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