3 years ago

Mike teaches today. 05/08/21


VERSES: 1st Corinthians 2:7-8; Hebrews 4:16,10:2; Philippians 3:10-11



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Paul is revealing the Father’s hidden ancient plan, conceived before the creation of man; that of putting all things (both in the heavens and in the Earth) under His Son’s dominion by merit of His faithfulness. He kept all points of the Law of Moses while overcoming satan’s temptations and trials in the flesh as the incarnate Son of man and Seed of Abraham. He then, in the shedding of His guiltless Blood on the Cross, propitiated God for Adam’s treason that brought the death enmity to all mankind, being his seed. “To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved (Son). In Whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Wherein he hath abounded toward us…” [Ephesians 1:6-7]

The Gospel of grace (that Paul had been ministering for years until he went to prison) has two sides; that of God’s: 1) undeserved favor unto eternal life for all those who receive Christ as their Savior and are then incorporated into His ‘Body’… and the provision for additional grace meaning 2) the ongoing greater divine influence upon the heart of the believer… to be exercised in good works ordained by God for those in Christ resulting in a worthiness to be manifest in the First Resurrection unto the glorious inheritance with Christ in the heavens above the Earth. Using the example of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and their entering into the Promised Land, the first definition of grace (God’s undeserved, unmerited favor) is seen in God bringing them out of Egypt. Not much effort was required of them, whereas the second definition of grace can be seen in how God’s Divine influence upon their heart was needed in order to make it into the Promised Land. They had to draw upon God’s grace as it relates to sanctification/to overcoming the enemy to enable them to take up their sword and kill the Canaanites. This took much effort on their part and was a result of both God’s grace and man’s yielded will. Too many Christians live their lives in vanity once they are redeemed (from the World’s Egypt) and end up on the right side of the Red Sea, but on the wrong side of the Jordan River, having not entered the Promised Land.

Paul’s initial message of the Gospel of God is by grace (undeserved love and favor) through faith in His Son’s Atonement in that He accepts all Nations on the merit of Jesus Christ’s offering of Himself alone. It was for the acceptance of the Gentiles into Christ that the Law of Moses was set aside, as the Law of Moses naturally is set against the New Testament One New Man concept of there being no difference between Jew and Gentile in Christ. And since Israel refused to accept Jesus as their Messiah, they, as a Nation, also were set aside in this Age of Grace and mercy in the calling out of the Gentiles a New Man by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. The Gospel of God is simply the foundation upon which Paul built the Mystery of the New Man, and the Heavenly Kingdom of God.

After accepting the Gospel of God (which has to do with what Jesus did for us), the Gospel of Mystery message begins. It is after one is ‘saved’, having been redeemed and baptized and incorporated/hid in the Son’s Body. God foreordained that by additional grace (the power of divine influence upon the heart and the yielded will of the New Man), he would be conformed into the image of His Son and found by his good works worthy of resurrection glory in co-ruling with His Son in the heavenly realm. Paul’s gospel of the Mystery of the heavenly Kingdom was given to Him directly from Jesus Christ. He did not discern it out of his studies of the Old Testament, as none of the Prophets recorded in the Old Testament were aware of it, as the Message was hid in God. (Ephesians 3:9) Not even the Angels could see God’s Salvation wisdom.

VERSE 1 “For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles… (nations, so it is that this Epistle is to the many Gentile nations).
For this cause, or as a result of the need for an intelligent servant to carry the full message of the scheme of God in His Son unto the nations, Paul was chosen. Being a Jewish zealot of the Law of Moses and his people, highly learned in the Torah, willing to kill for what he thought blasphemous to God, Christ chose Paul to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles. Having been forewarned of sufferings, (there were many but borne in loving faith throughout his life) he now writes of his captivity, not referring to his suffering imprisonment....


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