Your Vote - your future

2 years ago

Your Vote your Choice – last chance, make it count

If you are taking an interest in these Australian elections, you are probably starting to wonder if we can make a change. The failure of the two-party system has finally been exposed for us all to see. There is no doubt that if this system is allowed to continue past this election without a major influx of freedom candidates and a major balance of power shift our democracy will be destroyed, our constitution trashed and replaced by a Dan Andrews-style dictatorship. If we all make sure all our preferences go to the Freedom Parties there is a good chance we will be able to stop the craziness, reinstate our constitution, and reclaim our country.

Most of us have taken little notice of politics most of our lives, so using our vote and the preference system is pretty hazy. If we want change we will have to make our votes and preferences count. This means voting the major parties last. To help you do that there is a website that gives you info on each candidate,and prints our a how to vote card for you to follow, putting the majors last and maximizing your preferences
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