Jab Bandar🤪😜🤪😜🤪 Ne ki murgi ki nakal tub murgi ko a Gaya guss😡🤬😡🤬🤫

2 years ago

Jab Bandar Ne ki murgi ki nakal tub murgi ko a Gaya gussacrows learn quickly where they can get food. With intelligence and problem solving skills comparable to those of a chimpanzee, they are among the smartest creatures in the animal kingdom. These crows have been coming to this back yard for years and they have grown very accustomed to the humans who live here. They have even grown comfortable with the family cat.
Pam is an extreme animal lover and her back yard in England is a refuge and feeding ground for birds and animals of all kinds. But among her favourites are the crows who come daily for snacks. They are very wild, but they allow her to come close and they respond to her voice and her gentle approach. They will sit trustingly as she places food in the feeders or on the fence posts and they will come close to snatch up the food when she steps back.

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