Facebook censorship whistleblower Ryan Hartwig interviewed by Mike Adams

2 years ago

Disclaimer: This video is a reuploaded content and topics discussed may not be up to date.

Find out more about Behind the Mask of Facebook at https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Mask-Facebook-Whistleblowers-Censorship/dp/1510767940

Ryan Hartwig shares experience as Facebook’s content moderator

Interview by Mike Adams, Facebook censorship whistleblower Ryan Hartwig talked about his experience as a bilingual content moderator for Facebook while working for Cognizant. He talked about censoring drug cartels, beheadings and child sex trafficking and how the job altered his view of humanity. Hartwig related how he was initially assigned to monitor content for Latin America before getting transferred to monitor content for North America. He then started to see bias in Facebook’s censorship when he was monitoring content for the latter.

In one instance, he was told to delete a viral video where a Trump supporter was being attacked although there was really no violation. He eventually decided to make a list of instances of biased censorship against conservatives. A journalist he contacted referred him to Project Veritas, which asked him to do undercover works. His work with Project Veritas focused on how Facebook allowed attacks on people who don’t support LGBT while censoring posts against LGBT.

Hartwig said there were materials not included in the Project Veritas exposé that can be found in his book titled “Behind the Mask of Facebook.” He said the overarching message of his book is that Facebook can pick and choose what rules to follow and that it can make exceptions anytime it likes.

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