Tucker Carlson Tonight 10 May 2022

2 years ago

The IIC regime's hiring processes are hilariously lampooned. Well it would have been hilarious if it weren't going to be so toxic. The new regime press secretary is exposed as the toxic sludge this birthing person obviously is. Charlie Hurt joins Tucker to help explain her background, her worldview and what we are in store for with this "anti-racist" POS behind the lectern.
Update on George Gascon the wild leftist DA in LA. Since I don't live there and will never visit again, I don't really care--LA deserves it. He might get recalled, but he probably won't.
Update on Inflation after the IIC completely shanks a speech on the topic. Dana Perino joins Tucker to break down the speech and give her analysis.
Protests outside SCOTUS and the Justice's homes is a violation of Federal Law. The White House supports it and so do PAP (Passive Aggressive Party) representatives. This shoe on the other foot is going to feel so good.
Janet Yellen, the Spokesbot for the Chamber of Commerce thinks that less abortions will be bad for the economy. Yes, if more women had children and stayed home to raise them, that would be very bad for employment at Amazon warehouses. Lori Lightfoot, America's worst mayor adds more stupidity. Candace Owens joins Tucker to give her usual accurate analysis of the PAP and their actions.
Bill Gates tests positive for Covid. Good thing he had the vaccine and is well boosted... Jason Rantz joins Tucker to expose this fraud as he attempts to rewrite history.
Well, Russia is preparing for Nuclear War and what does the IIC do? Push more money and more armaments to Ukraine. We are now on a track to escalate to a nuclear exchange with Russia. This isn't to say it is going to happen, but the needle is in the groove, and we are moving steadily towards that end state. And it would be an end state.
Short clip from TC Today, with Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the SG from FL who was instrumental in helping FL develop reasonable policies to Covid.

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