Local elections 2022:PM says Tories had ‘tough night’

2 years ago

Boris Johnson called it a "mixed set of results", but however the prime minister tried to frame it the Tories have lost hundreds of seats up and down the county

Boris Johnson called it a "mixed set of results", but however the prime minister tried to frame it the Tories have lost hundreds of seats up and down the country.

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Labour did well in London, making fewer major gains elsewhere, while the Lib Dems hailed what they called a "turning point" in their political fortunes.

Before we came on air the Conservatives had lost over 300 English council seats. The Lib Dems had gained 175, with Labour and the Greens also gaining seats.

In England, the Conservatives lost control in 10 councils, while Labour gained five and the Liberal Democrats gained three.

The Conservatives lost some flagship English councils including Westminster, now controlled by Labour, and Somerset, which was won by the Liberal Democrats.

But the Conservatives can point to the fact they held on to several so-called 'red wall' councils.

The Conservatives suffered in Scotland where they dropped, whilst all the other major parties gained seats.

The Conservatives also lost their last remaining Welsh council, Monmouthshire, as well as 67 seats across Wales. While Labour and the other main parties all gained seats.

In Northern Ireland, the votes are still being counted but the current overall vote share of first preferences shows Sinn Fein on its way to a historic breakthrough in Stormont ahead of the DUP.

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