My message on ageism

3 years ago

My name is Nick Rehberg, and throughout my life, I have had goals to change the world. In life there are many obstacles preventing you from changing the world, you see everyone is born a genius in their own way and given the ability to make change. But change can be good or bad. The worst type of obstacle you can find in your journey is when someone prevents you. This can be due to a stereotype, a rule, or a mistake in society. Some examples of this are racism, and stereotypes against certain groups of people. Many people are working to fix these, but today I want to bring light to an issue that has caused many to not succeed. This is ageism; I am not talking about ageism against older people. That is of course a problem, but we need to focus on the ageism that happens to younger people. In this world, there are many amazing minds capable of changing this world, and they all are diverse. But very true to the youngest generation, is how they see this world and want to fix it. But the issue is, many fail due to a lack of support and resources. In this world, after you turn a certain age you gain access to things, 18 you get to vote, 16 drive, and more. But I am not talking about changing those, In my experience, the young don't get access to do things just because they're too young. Oh, you want to write a book, to young, want to go to space, to young, want to try to make peace on earth, to Young. Kids have dreams, and if they have the ability to achieve them then why stop them. I myself have many goals I want to be the first person on Mars, I want to patent inventions and make a company. But all my life I have worried, will I be too late, because according to society I can't because I am not 18. Now I know eventually that day will come; but the world needs to change now. If we truly want to treat all people equally that means the Young too. All I ask is to give minors the opportunity that adults get, let the newest generation give their prescriptive. Just give the young access to make change to help us all.

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