December 1st 2021, South Carolina's LAST Best Chance To Fend Off V---ine Mandates!! Join Us All!!!

3 years ago

South Carolina, State House, December 1st...THIS is our LAST, BEST CHANCE to end Vx mandates for good!! There has been a strange push by a factional group of folks in SC to make this about some type of absurd, useless power grab. But, for us, like MOST other South Carolinians, THIS is about saving as many livelihoods as possible for as many citizens of our state as possible. Let's talk about what's going on, and why it's important to show up to the battlefield DURING the battle, rather than showing up days after the legislative fight is already over!
We hope to see you there, 1pm, December 1st! And maybe we can all get together a couple days after to celebrate those of us who chose to stand up on the day we all SHOULD have!!
#medicalfreedom #letsgobrandon #FJB #columbiasc #charlestonsc

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