May 2021, Dorchester District Two School Board, Corruption In Action!!

2 years ago

A teacher admitting she is surveying your children without your knowledge. Leftist teacher organizations in South Carolina proving that they organize themselves to keep parents SILENCED...and, to top it off, the parents WINNING the battle after they absolutely refuse to be told "NO!!"
This is INCREDIBLE. This is what happened last night at Dorchester District 2 School Board! The Parents Won!
Take this back to wherever you are! Whatever state you are in! Use these tactics and YOU WILL WIN!!
Henry McMaster issued an executive order today allowing parents to unmask their children in school throughout South Carolina, and I have it on good authority that many members in the SC State House and State Senate were watching live videos of what was going on last night when they were imploring McMaster to make his decision today! You Did It! Keep Up The Fight! There are many more battles to win, yet!

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